
    CoverCover (2017)

    CoverCover is a bot that makes reinterpretations of record covers. You can either show the record to a camera or type in a record name (easier as people not very often carry around a 12″ record nowadays).

    The bot will try its best to find a match, scrape all possible metadata on it, generate associations in natural language, find some creative commons licensed images, convert them to plottable shapes, make a composition and plot it on a record inlay including the creative commons references.

    The result questions the role of the robot, the programmer, the original record cover maker, the person who shows the record and the people that put CC-licensed images online… is this a collaborative project?

    Cover Cover, showing the record it interpreted (Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon) and the plotted result. Penplotted ink on record sleeve (2017)

    Cover Cover - A sleeve (The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers) in the process of being plotted (2017)

    Cover Cover, a reinterpretation of “Köhn - we need more space in the cosmos” being plotted. References and associations are also plotted (2017)

    commissioned work, made for “the futures of data 2017”

kaotec bv
Londenstraat 40
9000 Gent
VAT BE0784540750